The joy of movement

I’ve mentioned here before that the joy of movement in both parkour and Gung Fu is one of the reasons I’ve taken to them both so strongly. This video looks like it’s made by someone who trains for that same joy in movement.

I’m particularly struck by some of the times he lands without using his hands to soften the impact – the backwards flip/roll/thing at 0:35 is a good example. A quick flick through the internet shows he’s an Aussie gymnast who went professional with the circus around 2010. The Kinesthesist blog has a bit more information and another great video. I’m amused by their incredulous ‘who thinks of this stuff?’ at some of his unusual combinations of moves though – my guess is it’s someone who’s training for the joy of it.


The Short Goodbye


Dear reader,
Rather than subjecting us both to the pain of half-considered posts, I’m taking a break from blogging for a few weeks. I’ll be using the time to finish the project you see above (and then post photos here), settle into a new role at work and hopefully organise some overseas travel.
I’m planning to be back here regularly by mid-October, but you can expect a smattering of posts before then, whenever I see something to share with you.
Until that next post, good night and good luck.

The Lorem Ipsum Conspiracy


As a linguistics geek, I have an unnatural love for the words ‘lorem ipsum’. So I was fascinated to read this account from security researchers who found that the phrase ‘translated’ through Google Translate to some key phrases that definitely didn’t exist in the original Latin:
A table showing the words 'lorem ipsum' and their 'translations' from different capitalisation. Translated words include 'China' 'Internet' and 'The company'.I’m not sure if I should read this as a clever modern-day spy story or a fascinating conspiracy theory, but it’s entertaining either way.


The envy-less life

Reading this article on envy from the NY Times, combined with my regular catch-ups on Sacha Chua’s blog, has been very good for keeping my envy in check.

I have a mental list of priorities that I’m happy with – a house deposit, a wedding and a trip overseas, all of which are pretty suburban and traditional, though I expect the execution of the last two will be a bit off the beaten track. Readings like this help to keep things in perspective and remind me that I’m pretty well off, all things considered. It’s a useful thing to remember.

Return of the Luddites?

I’m trying out a new way of posting. While I post on here most days, I’ll often give up meatier posts in favour of sleep and a quick interesting link. This is fine for a few days, but after a while it starts dragging down the quality of my blog.

Instead of posting this gorgeous video of a marmot disrupting research into glacier formation, I’m using this post to have a quick poke at a topic that’s caught my eye, with the intention of straightening out my thinking and getting comments to improve my research for a later post.

The inspiration behind all of this is a video Jack sent me – which I’ve not yet seen, but intend to watch before the follow-up post. I’ll trust you to kindly overlook any of these early thoughts if they’re also covered in the video.

The video promises a look at a topic that’s been lingering on the edge of my awareness recently: the impact of technology on our economic systems. Specifically, I’m interested in how it will affect the employment system, and how it will affect the political system. I’m thinking about it in an Australian context but expecting to extrapolate to and from other mostly rich, mostly western countries where it seems relevant.

It seems we’re heading for a future where work is more likely to be automated, both for physical jobs (e.g. with robots) and more information based jobs (e.g. with big data). People will still be needed in the system, but they will be a smaller part of it.* Taking that as a given – and yes, it’s a big one – there seem to be two extremes for the economic implications:

  1. High unemployment, a shift to a haves-and-have-nots economy.
  2. A new economic structure which redefines our understanding of what’s required for payment/basic living expenses.

Of course, the implications of either of these changes wouldn’t be limited to economics. My guess is that the first point above would lead to rebellion – a literal resurgence of the Luddites.

From Wikipedia:

 The Luddites were 19th-century English textile artisans who protested against newly developed labour-saving machinery from 1811 to 1817. The stocking frames, spinning frames and power looms introduced during the Industrial Revolution threatened to replace the artisans with less-skilled, low-wage labourers, leaving them without work.

I’m less sure of what to predict for the second point. One friend suggested cottage industries could be the future of labour. There would be an employer/employee divide, but it would be far more granular, and much less divided. The idea of a base state-paid wage that’s been lingering in certain circles could also make sense in this scenario.

For now, I’m planning to step away from this question to do more research and thinking. While I do, I’d be keen to hear your thoughts. Do you think your grandchildren’s children will have a job in the current sense of the word? How do you think work in the future will…work?


**Yep, these are some sweeping generalisations. This is very much the testing-an-idea post, not the publishing-with-research-and-a-considered-theory post.

PSA: Location history on Google

I’ve been out enjoying the movies with my partner tonight, so this post is more informative than thoughtful.

If you use an Android phone or use Google services on your phone, take a look at If you’re not comfortable with location tracking, this is something you might want to turn off. Google’s never been secretive about it – and nor should they; there are some great services that come from location data – but it’s worth thinking about whether those services are something you’re happy to have in exchange for giving away data like this.

And no, turning it off won’t break Google Maps. 😉